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Surname: ROTARIU  Forename: Ilie


Personal data:
Date of birth: 22 of July 1952. Birthplace: Talmacel - Sibiu
Status: divorced
Home: 550327 Sibiu, 7 Aurel Vlaicu, Phone.+4-0269-422215
Office: Phone: +4-0744-611402, Fax: +4-0269-224480


More about me


Terra Mirabilis - ROMANIA – ”The End of the Second Millennium” - the Total Solar Eclipse August 1999 - special site created for the event


The Low-Costs Airlines – a rewarding Effect of the European Integration, of Globalization, paper prepared for the Conference of ASEM Chisineu, October 2004 and considerations about Sibiu Airport. Details about Sibiu airport / detalii privind Aeroportul Sibiu


Globalizare si Turism - Cazul Romaniei, Editura Continent, 2004.

National, European , universal - fundamental coordinates of the historical-cultural process and their importance in defining the strategies of European ethno-tourism

Romania who did tell lies ? - prepared for the Seminar in Grenoble organised br Reporters sans frontierres 1991.

A WORLD IS CHANGING - Address at the symposium " Privatization and Establishment of Joint-Ventures in Tourism", organized by Hanns Seidel Foundation, Sinaia, March 1993.

Tourism: Legislation, State, Facilities, European integration - Published in The Local Autonomy: no. 28 / January 1997 Romania Major chnages in the tertiary industry

Speech for Bled - General Assembly of WATA - admittance to WATA 1995

Tourism as mass media: a suitable global tool acting locally - a possible option to appraise the European heritage on the 21st century - The ATLAS Winter University - January, 2001, Pecs, Hungary "The past 1000 years - Our common heritage?"

DRACULA AS CULTURAL TOURISM - or " the long way the fiction in Bram Stoker 's book turns into a " cultural tourism product " or " the incredible saga of a mass media subject which is about to become a prophet in its own roots' place "- The ATLAS Winter University - January, 2002, PORTOROZ, Sloven - "Cultural tourism: past, present, future"

TOURISM AS MASS MEDIA A TOOL WHICH CAN LEAD FROM WEEKENDS TO SEVEN EARNING DAYS presented during ATLAS Annual Conference 2002 Visions of sustainability Estoril, Portugal 2002

Tourism  a solution to sustain the rhythm of the development  The conference: Identity and universality of economies in transition by the beginning of the third millennium Sibiu 2003

Mutual Promotion of Cultural Offer prepared for the conference: Development Aspects of Cultural Tourism in the Euroregion Danube-Cris-Mures-Tisza - Novi Sad, Serbia 2003


Ford’s revolution on transportation - the start up of mass tourism Targul Mures  - Romania 2004


New Approaches on Building, Organizing and Managing an Area Destination prepared and presented during ATLAS IRAT annual conference 2004, Naples, Italy "Networking and partnerships in destination development and management" under the title “Building, organizing and managing an area destination by integrating local ones: Central Europe according to Euro-Host Group


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Last updated: Decembrie, 2004